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CH 1: Introduction to Science Skills

General Lab Safety

A Beginners Guide to Graphing Data

Characteristics of Life

CH 6: Intro to Biochemistry


Drawing Atoms

Ionic Bonds

Covalent Bonds



Properties of Water


CH 7/8.1: Intro to Cells

Intro to cells: The Grand Tour

Cell Specialization

Cell Membrane Structure
Cell Transport

Cell Transport #2


CH 9: Cell Energy


Cellular Respiration


CH 8.2/10.1: Cell Division

SA:V Ratio

The Cell Cycle (and Cancer)


The Cell Cycle and Mitosis Animation


Mitosis vs. Meiosis

Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

What is a Chromosome?

CH 11: DNA and Protein Synthesis

DNA, Chromosomes, Genes, and Traits: An Intro to Heredity

DNA Structure and Function

DNA Replication

Protein Synthesis (Transcription and Translation)


CH 10.2/12 Genetics and Heredity


Alleles and Genes

How to Draw a Punnett Square

How Mendel's Pea Plants Helped us Understand Genetics

Monohybrids and the Punnett Square Guinea Pigs

Dihybrid Crosses

Chromosomes and Karyotypes

Punnett Squares and Sex-Linked Traits


Multiple Alleles (A,B,O Blood types) and Punnett Squares

Incomplete Dominance, Codominance, Polygenic Traits and Epistasis

CH 15: Evolution 

Natural Selection


CH 17: Classification


CH 18: Bacteria and Viruses



CH 19-20: Protists and Fungi

Protists and Fungi

CH 21-24: Plant Structure and Function

Plant Structure and Adaptations

Plant Reproduction in Angiosperms

CH 34: Integumentary, Skeletal and Muscular Systems

The Integumentary System (Bozeman)

Integumentary System Part 1: (crash course)

Integumentary System Part 2: (crash course)

The Skeletal System (Bozeman)

Skeletal System Part 1 Bones:(crash course)

Skeletal System Part 2: Joints:(crash course)

Muscular System (Bozeman)

Muscle contraction animations

Muscular System: Part 1 (crash course)

Muscular System: Part 2 (crash course)

CH 35: Digestive and Endocrine Systems

The Endocrine System (Bozeman)

Endocrine System: Part 1 (crash course)

Endocrine System: Part 2 (crash course)

The Digestive System (Bozeman)

Digestive System: Part 1 (crash course)

Digestive System: Part 2 (crash course)

Digestive System: Part 3 (crash course)

CH 36: Nervous System

The Neuron

The Nervous System

The Brain

The Action Potential

Sheep Brain Dissection Demo part 1

Sheep Brain Dissection Demo part 2

Sheep Brain anatomy

3 Minute Eye Dissection

How The Eye Works

How You Hear

Nervous System: Part 1 (crash course)

Nervous System: Part 2 (crash course)

Nervous System: Part 3 (crash course)

Nervous System: CNS (crash course)

Nervous System: PNS (crash course)

Nervous System: ANS (crash course)

Nervous System: Vision (crash course)

Nervous System: Haring and Balance (crash course)

Nervous System: Taste and Smell (crash course)

CH 37: Respiratory, Cardiovascular, and Urinary System

The Respiratory System (Bozeman)

Respiratory System: Part 1 (crash course)

Respiratory System: Part 2 (crash course)


Human Circulatory System (path way of circulation)

The Circulatory System (Bozeman)

Pig Heart Dissection

Detailed Sheep Heart Dissection Part 1

Detailed Sheep Heart Dissection Part 2

Cardiovascular System: The Heart Part 1 (crash course)

Cardiovascular System: The Heart Part 2 (crash course)

Cardiovascular System: The Blood Vessels Part 1 (crash course)

Cardiovascular System: The Blood Vessels Part 2 (crash course)

Cardiovascular System: The Blood Part 1 (crash course)

Cardiovascular System: The Blood  Part 2 (crash course)

The Urinary System (Bozeman)

Kidney dissection

Urinary System: Part 1 (crash course)

Urinary System: Part 2 (crash course)

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